Recent news:

We now have a new meeting location! It's in the back of the Musical Arts Center of San Antonio, at 12732 Cimarron Path. Take Cimmaron Path south from De Zavala, just west of I-10. (It's okay if you miss the turn, just turn south at the light at Cogburn and you can get back on track.)

Note that this month only, the Monthly General Meeting (and the ExComm meeting that precedes it) will be on the fourth Friday, October 25, instead of the usual third Friday.

12732 Cimarron Path
Suite #102 (back left corner of the building)
San Antonio, TX 78249

The next scheduled testing days are October 19 at 2PM, and October 26 at 2pm. See the testing page for more info.

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Events Calendar
Events are updated as often as possible with the most current information available. Even if you're not yet a member, please feel free to join us at any public event.

Welcome to South Texas Mensa!

Latin for "Mind, Table, & Month," Mensa is an international organization where like-minded individuals get together to do the things that they enjoy doing anyway. For people who score among the top 2% in one of several intelligence tests, Mensa is that place where fun and learning often go hand in hand (though most of what we do is just have fun). South Texas Mensa (STM for short) connects people east to west from San Antonio to Sanderson, down to Brownsville in the South. With something to do for just about everyone, our group offers all kinds of outlets, many of which are available to non members as well. See our SIGs under "STM Groups" for more details.

What is a SIG?

STM consists of many shared interest groups (or SIGs) where you can meet people who like to do what you do. Whether sampling the cuisine at an unexplored restaurant, discussing important issues, or shooting pool, if you like it, chances are we either do it already or can get it started. If you are new to STM, there are several places you can go to discover what else we offer; the news and information page is a good place to start.

When & where we meet

If you are located in San Antonio, the STM general monthly gathering (MG) happens every third Friday of the month, 6:30pm to 9:00pm at the Musical Arts Center of San Antonio, 12732 Cimarron Path, Suite #102 (back left corner of the building), San Antonio, TX 78249. Video segments from some of our past meetings are available here.

People in Corpus Christi meet at The City Diner on the last Thursday of the month at 6:30pm, 622 N. Water St., Corpus Christi, TX 78401. Monthly gatherings are laid back, and usually feature some speaker or topic new to us.
This information is out of date.

Not in these places? Are you a part of STM and want to get an MG started? Contact your Local Secretary or Area Coordinator (on the Contact & FAQs page).

MG footage


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